Monday, April 27, 2020

Research Paper

Research PaperJapaneseforeign policy topics are critically important for the future of Japan. As the country's political system continues to evolve, it will need to change as well. As it becomes more difficult to maintain control over the nuclear issue and its own economic direction, the Japanese government has to develop stronger means of control in order to protect the country's sovereignty.This problem is not new to Japan. A similar shift in power occurred nearly a century ago, when a new political system came into being that was based on traditional political beliefs. The current system of governance - which began with the rise of the Liberal Democratic Party, is only about a century old.In other words, Japan's system of governance has not developed the ability to deal with the issues it faces as clearly as it does in the past. In response, Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto has become increasingly concerned with how Japan deals with international issues. He is also worried about how Western powers, particularly the United States, will react to Japan's ongoing change in the political system.Japan's current Prime Minister, Kan Naoto, was originally elected in the Japanese elections of 2020. After being elected, he became the first Prime Minister in modern Japanese history to form his own government. At that time, he announced that he would create a new government led by the LDP. He expected that this would help him handle the transition from the Japanese Democratic Party system to the LDP-led system.Kan Naoto has become increasingly influential within the Japanese government. Since taking office, he has been pushing hard for his foreign policy goals. He is now trying to work with a stronger political faction within the Japanese government.He has also been able to influence many other public figures who work for the LDP-led party in Japan. These people were previously loyal to the Democratic Party. Since their loyalty to the Liberal Democratic Party was lost d uring the transition to the LDP-led system, they too decided to leave the Democratic Party and join the LDP. These new members are crucial to the development of the Japanese government's foreign policy agenda.A major reason why the LDP-led faction within the Japanese government has such power over its government is that many Japanese people are extremely wary of Japan becoming too dependent on the West. They are suspicious of Westerners trying to interfere in their domestic affairs, particularly in relation to the current economic crisis in Japan. However, Kan Naoto has also been able to persuade many Japanese people that Japan needs to improve its relations with the West in order to remain competitive in the global economy.Because of these developments, the future of Japan is at stake. The entire world knows that Japan is in the middle of a huge internal crisis. One of the major reasons why the crisis has grown so out of control is because the Japanese government cannot control its own political system. The results of the crisis could seriously affect the future of Japan.

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